Category Archives: random thoughts about music

I’m Done With Pro Tools…

This post probably only is relevant to me but I’m writing it to get these thoughts out of my head. I can do that.  It’s MY blog!! 🙂

Okay, so Apple (you know I love Apple) just released Logic Studio… including Logic Pro 8.  
If you’re into music and want to produce music in a sweet way, check it out!  I’m producing an album (actually a 5-song EP) for a very talented band, and using both Pro Tools and Logic Pro 7 (most recording in PT, editing and mixing in Logic, although the new Logic replaces my need to record in PT).  There are just several things I wish Logic did that I can do easily in Pro Tools.  Overall though, I just love Logic more.  More elegant, faster, better plugins, more powerful for composition, etc.  And my not-so-secret dream is to “make it” as a songwriter so I need good tools.  So Logic Studio is out… and I had a chance to play with it Friday at the Apple Store… oh man, it’s already going to save me hours and hours of editing time…. I plan to send mixes to at least two songs before I leave next weekend for Chicago…  hopefully the speed increase will allow me to do that.
Okay, just the inner geek in me speaking out.  As they say, a man loves his tools.
By the way, I’m going to be selling my M-Box2 Mini if you know anyone interested!!  I’m done with Pro Tools.

Free music and a great band

I really like Robbie Seay Band.  They are out of Houston and just have a different sound, it’s really groovy and very cool.

Anyway, my friend James passed this along to me, so I thought I’d pass it along to my friends online…  you can get the new album from Robbie Seay Band free.  Here’s the link
Again, that link is here… you just have to sign up for the newsletter (which is free).
This is all free… totally free… there’s no reason you shouldn’t go get this… GO!!
Bye bye.
1 Comment

Posted by on August 23, 2007 in random thoughts about music


peace by way of war is like purity by way of fornication…

“peace by way of war is like purity by way of fornication

its like telling someone murder is wrong
and then showing them by way of execution”- Derek Webb lyrics to a song called “My Enemies Are Men Like Me” off of his new album called Mockingbird. It is a really interesting record and I like it considerably! It’s different than most other records put out by artists who are Christians. I recommend you pick it up ASAP.


peace by way of war is like purity by way of fornication…

“peace by way of war is like purity by way of fornication
its like telling someone murder is wrong
and then showing them by way of execution”- Derek Webb lyrics to a song called “My Enemies Are Men Like Me” off of his new album called Mockingbird. It is a really interesting record and I like it considerably! It’s different than most other records put out by artists who are Christians. I recommend you pick it up ASAP.